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About Nova Stevens

Nova Stevens is a South-Sudanese Canadian who immigrated to Canada at the age of 6, leaving her large family behind. Growing up in Canada, Nova was fully independent by the age of 15, living alone and finishing school. Having to essentially raise herself and support her family back home, she realized she would need support. With the help of the Aspen Family’s Transition to Adulthood program, she was able to focus on school in addition to her very adult responsibilities.


All these experiences taught Nova that it really does take a village to raise a child to be the best they can be. From a young age age, she vowed to give back to the community that raised her. This is how she came to form the organization ‘Go Supernova’ to help underprivileged youth reach their potential.”Canada has raised me and given me more opportunities than i can imagine, I want to pay it forward by doing the same for others” ~Nova Stevens

I believe that anyone can embrace who they are,
can define their future, and can change the world.

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To provide resources to underprivileged youth; to help them find and develop, and strengthen their skills in all areas including education, athletics, business, and professional arts. 


Our Mission

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